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conceptual project, 2018-2019 | tutors: lorenzo imbesi, andrea vitaletti

project description: 

calligraphy kit for dysgraphic children to improve their struggles about writing skills faces with every day. 


what is dysgraphia? 


dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects written expression.


symptoms of dysgraphia:

forming letters

spacing letters correctly on the page

writing in a straight line

making letters the correct size

holding a paper with one hand while writing with the other

holding and controlling a pencil or other writing tool

putting the right amount of pressure on the paper with a writing tool

maintaining the right arm position and posture for writing

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figure 1: hand grips of dysgraphic children.

figure 2: writing example of a dysgraphic child.

what is calligraphy? 


the art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush.


benefits of calligraphy:

forming letters

spacing between words 

writing on a straight line

composition and balance

improve eye-hand coordination

position & posture for writing

pressure regulation

raises consciousness

figure 3: tools for calligraphy such as brushes, oblique holders. the best type of calligraphy pen for beginners and dysgraphic children is the oblique pen. 

figure 4: user-friendly and best inkpot types according to the real calligraphers. 

product analysis:​

the first step was analyzing the entire design in terms of production techniques, joint details, materials, and design. some parts’ manufacturing details cannot be found in literature research. some parts such as “how does pen holder stand” are made interpretation based on other details and techniques. here is an analysis of unpractical and problematic parts of the body.


according to the new purpose of the project, the current design is changed and modified. the useless features are get rid of the body and it has been continued with so minimal and functional. the important thing is while you are changing excesses of components, remaining faithful to the original design and experience of calligraphy as well. that is why I tried to keep the general character of Marianne Brandt’s inkwell in the new inkwell.


features of improved product:

a flexible storage place for different tools during writing is added to the body. flexible means storage and inkpot place can exchange with each other according to the user’s desire. the pen holder part is embedded into the body and tried to get the same language as the inkpot part. 

cap is opening with rotational motion. 


inkpot has two surfaces to put on the ground. using in 2nd position is easier than 1st position because the cap is just looking towards you and dipping action is getting easier.

inkwell includes a specialized pen for dysgraphic children in their daily practice. the form of dip pen derives from an oblique pen holder. due to the oblique-shaped pen has different axes in the body, the struggling experience is getting easier for children in terms of seeing what they write and dominating. thanks to the dip pen working principle, pressure and position problems in dysgraphia can be fixed with this pen.

application interface:

shodo smartphone application is a communication system between the components of this process. all kinds of information gather in that cloud-based application and share with other users immediately. therefore, that app is getting the whole process and components more informed and trackable.


There are 3 or more users without students for this service.


the calendar shows days, months, years, and which day we are on.


admins which are parents, teacher, and therapist do daily uploadings according to the sections.


shop directly connects to the stationary.


on the student’s page, all studies categorize depends on dates.


development records the data and shows a graph about the improvement of students.


when an entry will be written, hold down the cross and choose the category of entry. entries support with photos to show other admins what students have done in the class or at home at any time.

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